Friday, April 9, 2021

Mother in Law's full-stop

Drinking: water    |     Eating: Cinnamon Donuts

We had my hubby's mother over the other day (Easter Sunday), I have to follow all these ridiculous rules when we visit her at her house AND at my house! One of these rules - the main one, is to not be on our mobile phones whilst she is around. I hate this rule because at her house I'm usually just sitting there - bored. Last time I went on my phone because nothing was happening, no body was talking to me, no body was talking at all, and the second I went on my phone she got angry with me and proceeded to start entering a conversation. Seriously!

Anyhow I did my best with her at our house, I remained near by, I started conversations, I made sure to look after her needs etc.. etc.. She was there from about 3pm to 9pm. Yes, she also stayed for dinner - which I made a lovely roast chook and veg, with Yorkshire puddings. She never understands why I make Yorkshires with a chicken roast dinner, because traditionally they are made with a lamb roast (I think).

I always feel like my fibro pain is in competition with her pains, she does not accept any help for her pains - no physio, no massage, nothing,  just very strong painkillers (Panadiene forte). I do not understand how they can possibly still be effective against her pain (back pain mostly). She also takes Lyrica for apparent nerve pain I think in her back. She is on an anti-psychotic med that is only available in Australia on a trial basis currently. And takes Valium quite a lot as well often skipping her prescription meds, taking them with a lot of alcohol and smoking considerably. I have accepted all manner of help for the fibro pains and am still trying different methods to deal/live with it. Don't get me wrong I have had chronic pains all my life - mostly undiagnosed Endometriosis.

I would have thought (again) she would have had more compassion for another woman with chronic pains, alas no. Her theory for my fibro fog was hilarious, "it must be something you recall from your childhood.." was her explanation for why I kept referring to elastic bands as sultanas. My fibro-fog has been ridiculously bad of late - there is a significant difference between calling the microwave - the fridge or your child the wrong name of one of your other children; that's different. Fibro fog is hellish in my opinion.


I've attempted several times to write this blog entry today, it is now nearly 8:30pm on a Friday night and I am tired with a severely painful left arm - which I am fairly certain is not related to an impending heart attack but it does make me worry. I think it is aching from driving too much yesterday it started in my wrists but has radiated up my left arm. It needs some trigger therapy on it for relief.

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