Drinking: peppermint tea | Listening to: Rag'n'Bone Man on Spotify
Endo (Endometriosis) pains are earlier this month, I'm not quite at the 48th day of the cycle just yet (I think it's next Monday) but oh my gawd! Pains in my thighs running down from my pelvis and stabbing pains in my ovaries, combined with that all too familiar deep ache somewhere near my cervix. It all just seems to have come on out of the blue. By the way I'm hiding away in my bedroom because Tilli has forewarned that she is in a REALLY BAD mood, so I let her walk home from the bus stop today. Blair is pissing me off. Lord I am really trying to be there for them all, sometimes, just sometimes you can't. I can't.
A lot of stress has been happening at the moment at home with the kids, with my health, with finance. I know, I know story of everyone's life - this is normal though. This is what our normal is. Crazy, busy, stressful and PAINFUL! I went out of my way last night to make something that I thought my daughter Tilli could try to eat (she's fussy with her food) and given that she has been enjoying scrambled eggs lately I thought I would also try her on a vegetable quiche and serve hers with the salad that she (usually) enjoys eating. It wasn't much trouble for me to make the salad it's only mixed greens with shaved Parmesan cheese and sliced cucumber; no condiments or seasonings - though just between you and me I did add salt and pepper this time. I also had some of the salad with my slice of quiche and heated up fish fingers and chicken fingers for the boys. Yes, it was a bit of a mix-matched dinner but each to their own. Plus I finally got to have a bloody quiche!
Tilli on learning that dinner was a quiche said no thanks, I don't wanna try it, so I added that I had also put on a few of the chicken fingers for her as backup though she couldn't have many as I needed them for the boys. She seemed to not want any of the salad before even eating some, I had put it in the fridge momentarily to keep it fresh, it wasn't cold at all, yet she told me it was too cold on her teeth and refused to eat any of it. And this is coming from the teenager that crunches on ice-cubes!! Disappointed mumma here. Apparently the chicken fingers were over done, so they were too hard for her to eat and inside them was not a lot of chicken meat. Overly critical children are hard to accommodate. Henry also refused to eat much of his plate of chicken/fish fingers though he did eat his one tiny potato with butter on it, I was happy about that. And surprisingly he turned his nose up at the tomato sauce bottle. Weird! Blair on the other hand on thinking he had started disliking fish fingers actually ate ALL of his and Henry's and Tilli's chicken fingers too. Blair had mixed vegies with his and the buttered spuds. Hubby had the same but with a huge slice of quiche.
Anyway, I enjoyed dinner.
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Had Halloween recently - well back on the 31st October, I wasn't sure how many trick-a-treaters we would get this year, and in the end we actually had a little less then the previous year both due to Covid-19.
The blue-fairy lights from Christmas 2020 have been sparkling all year under the big Acacia tree out the front, so I decided to add this year's Halloween spider web to it as well, creating an archway along the slate path. That's our old cat - Molly, we adopted her from the RSPCA quite a few years ago now, she's about 11 years old.
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