Thursday, July 22, 2021

Day 2 of South Australia's 7-Day LOCKDOWN

 Drinking: Dilmah Rose & French Vanilla Black Tea

Well Day 1 of the 7-Day Lockdown happened yesterday, the boys are behaving as though it's school holidays still, they had one day back at school this week - Tuesday (as they were both sick on Monday. It's hard enough getting Henry off to school as it is without having a bloody lockdown. Hubby let me sleep in to nearly the middle of the day, I sure as heck needed it after the night before - taking care of hubby and 2 of the kids in one night is a lot for my body. After the sleep in hubby went out to the shed to continue decommissioning the scrap metal items. Yesterday's temperature was freezing, but it's even colder today!! I allowed the boys to watch a little tellie via You-Tube from 4pm til dinner was ready. They could easily watch it ALL day! Tilli kept to herself in her room, resting her injured thigh in her bed, she badly needed to sleep but was somehow unable to, poor thing. 

The weather has been so cold that I have had the heater in the lounge on all night and all day at the moment. Yet I have one son who thinks it's summer cause he is wearing shorts and a tee-shirt! I have many layers on (sitting in my bedroom at my art desk) even a scarf and gloves (the gloves with the exposed fingers). I can literally feel the cold air around my exposed skin - my ears and face. Unfortunately the heater in the lounge does not reach our bedrooms - they remain as cold as the air outside pretty much - and the temperature on our front porch is 8 degrees Celsius so our bedroom is probably 10 degrees Celsius. On my weather app it says that it is 9.1 degrees outside yet feels like 4 degrees!! 

The boys are both doing my head in today, I have had one panic attack when my DES worker rung me and said she may have a job for me. Like seriously what happened to keeping me in the 2 admin jobs I am already working and helping me to stay in them through your funding you offer. The stress from that combined with the kids being home AND lockdown has instantly put my mind into a lack of control and confusion; meaning I am already having negative thoughts - though fleeting, of self harm. Which also makes my head worse - it's been nearly a month now with chronic migraines - what gives! It's been 2 weeks since I had to stop taking the contraceptive pill - because the migraines puts me at increase risk for stroke.


I see my doctor, late next Wednesday afternoon to get a new medical certificate for Centrelink/DES. I'm so worried that my migraines are a result of what they found in my MRI scan of my brain, I wish I could see that neurologist sooner then 12 months! At least to rule out that it's not a tumor and the cyst is not causing the migraines.

Home schooling all three kids whilst in lockdown sucks big time, We have to teach them stuff that we ourselves were never taught when we went through school. We have three different levels of learning: Henry is age 6 in grade 1, Blair is 10 in grade 4 and Tilli is nearly 15 in grade 9. What's stupid is that Henry's school work for the lockdown is more extensive then Blair's! That's 3 instant headaches right there!

On a good news front - Henry has now been sleeping in his own bed for the past 2 nights - we got bunk beds again and I gave him the top bunk. That means I can sleep through the night in my own bed more comfortably.

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