Saturday, March 27, 2021

Saturday's wash day

 12:01pm    Drinking: chilled water    

It's Saturday! 

Washing day here in overcast Seaford, South Australia. The pending heavy clouds threatening my clean washing with another nature's way rinse. Frowning up at the sky I think about crossing my fingers but know only too well that is an ability I no longer have. I hear my daughter swearing at our Jack Russell/Whippet - Skye, the words that pour out of her mouth are obscene and I am left with the feeling of disgust and even more so a deep sadness. Hubby tells me we should treat her the same way as she treats our dog. That is something I feel I am not able to do, nor do I really want to. Perhaps it is to appease hubby that I let the words roll off my tongue when I see that she is finished hanging up her washing. It certainly doesn't make me feel any better about the situation. 

Saturday's always leave me incredibly exhausted by the late afternoon and defeated - I usually don't get help from everyone in the house. My daughter (nearly 15 years old) spends her weekends in her room with the door shut, listening to music - usually on her noise cancelling headphones; and rarely if ever makes an appearance. Only if she needs or wants something. It is so terribly difficult getting her to do what I have asked when I have asked for it to be done. I ended up complaining to my hubby last night about this - he's a good (and my only) person I can vent to. He understands my fibro and what I go through and has been known to tell me to take a break, like today for instance, he wanted me to not do any house work today. I think that is wonderful that he's offered that for me, however in practicality the day won't roll out with me doing no housework. It hasn't so far. I knew I had to bring in one load of washing off of the line because we were running out of pegs for my daughter's load of washing. Yes I managed to get to get outside (a feat in itself). However I had left a couple of loads of washing on the line overnight - not realising that it was forecast to rain. Aaargh! Don't you hate it when that happens? Suffice to say the items on the line were all mostly damp still this morning.

The deal with the washing is that everyone is supposed to put their own load of dirty washing in the machine (not inside out). And then when it's done they're supposed to take it out and hang it up. Simple huh?


Anyway time to hang up another load.

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