Sunday, March 21, 2021

new symptom of fibro

It's 6am, here in the motel in Lyndoch, yet another awfully uncomfortable sleep. I think it would be better sleeping on the floor. That in itself says a lot. 
Whether it's the flare up I am having I have developed some new symptoms to my fibro. That being the sensation of the floor moving and my legs giving way. Also a rush through my head - I guess like I'm going to faint.
I wonder if this is a vitamin deficiency?? D, B12 etc... I am supposed to be booking in a brain MRI, I've never had one so I'm feeling very apprehensive. I think it's already been two weeks since I saw my doctor. The MRI is to double check the other (not so new, now) symptom - body jolts, particularly in my head.

Feeling scared, very stressed and exhausted.


  1. I do hope the scan is helpful, having chronic pain really interferes with having a quality day... and you're so young! Healing Energies to you from the Arizona Desert... Dawn... The Bohemian

  2. Hi Bohemian,
    thank you for leaving a comment, I'm 44, cheers for the healing energies too.
