Drinking: Iced Latté | Eating: A Cinnamon Donut
Oh my gosh! Where did the November and December go??
I'm fairly certain for the most part I was in pain, a lot of pain, both physically and mentally, so much so I haven't even been blogging or doing much in the way of living - just surviving.
I dreaded the thought of Christmas day this year (errm last year now 2021) because my mother-in-law had not slept over at our house at all during the year of 2021. This was due to how much she kept making jealous remarks to her son (my hubby) about me as well as blaming me for everything that went wrong in our lives. Carrying around such negativity has clearly not done anyone any favours. It was arranged she would sleep over at our house on Christmas Eve AND Christmas Night.
Even in my own home I found I had to play by her rules, ridiculous right?! That whilst she was here we had to not be on our mobiles at-all. We had to always be present in the same room as her - basically had to keep her company throughout the day and night. I am not okay with any of these rules, it is my house.

Christmas Eve was semi-okay we stayed at home and watched a Christmas movie as a family in the lounge - she had to have a few alcoholic beverages. We had bought her a bottle of Bundaberg Rum as her Xmas Present. Christmas Day she drunk a bottle of white wine to herself at my parents place - where we had Christmas lunch with all of the family, when we came home in the late arvo she moved on to a cuppa coffee and was apparently going to have a sleep in the lounge room. We told her we were going to be out the front in the garden sitting in the late arvo sun and the welcoming cool breeze and that she was more than welcome to join us. But no she wanted to be inside and wanted us to be inside with her I guess as well. Hubby put a movie on for her - but she never went to sleep - even if she had claimed she had not gotten any sleep for 2 days. Her memory has become very unreliable not mention her lying is terrible. Hubby and I both were witness to this during her stay with us.
Anyway, late Christmas night whilst the two of them were watching a movie together, it started - or rather grew into a violent outburst or hurling words and physical blows. She was drunk - very drunk and very nasty. I think it was about midnight if not close to, that I remember hubby saying he was going to call the police if she did not sit back in her seat and calm down.
The police were called, once by him and again by me.
The whole event has dampened the Christmas spirit for me personally, I already dread the next Christmas.
My mother in law was physically punching my hubby in his head whilst he was attempting to drive her home to her house, as we were told to do by the police. I knew this would happen to him, I also know that she is a psycho and albeit somehow has crazy strength at the worst of times. My daughter (15 years old) stood there out on the street and yelled at her Nanna to get the hell off of her Dad. Wow what an amazing moment that was hearing her say that.
His mum, her Nanna, the boys Nanna, my mother-in-law is no longer welcome in our home.
I am hoping to have at least a 12 month break from her negative jealous self, and should she ever be back she needs to have fully finished a rehab program for alcoholics and see a psychiatrist. She hasn't seen the latter for about 5 years because he retired.
I haven't recovered from that night, that incident, however one of the next things I did was to remove every little item that reminded me of her from my home, including the chair she slept in whilst here, the mug she always drank from and things like that.
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